The .NET Framework is a software development platform by Microsoft that provides a runtime environment (CLR) and a comprehensive library (BCL/FCL) for building and running Windows applications, including web, desktop, and service-oriented applications.
IL (Intermediate Language) is a low-level programming language used by the .NET Framework, into which .NET code is compiled. The CLR then converts IL into machine code at runtime.
The main components of the .NET Framework are:
The new features added in .NET Framework 4.0 include:
The Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) is a library in .NET Framework that simplifies the creation of extensible applications by providing a way to discover and compose parts (such as plugins or components) at runtime
A manifest is a file that contains metadata about the .NET assembly, including information about the assembly's version, culture, and security requirements, as well as details about the types and resources it contains
The classes introduced in the System.Numerics namespace are:
Discuss the significance of the BCL and some of the common namespaces it includes.
Define code contracts and their purpose in .NET development.
Discuss the purpose of the GAC and how it is used.
Describe the role and functions of the CLR in the .NET Framework.
What makes code "managed" in the context of .NET?
Clarify the distinction between namespaces and assemblies in .NET
ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC are two different approaches to building web applications in the .NET Framework:
Answer: ADO.NET is a set of classes in the .NET Framework that facilitates data access from relational databases. It supports:
, SqlCommand
, and SqlDataReader
to connect to and query databases.DataSet
and DataAdapter
to fetch data, manipulate it in-memory, and update the database as needed