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Engineering Mechanics interview questions

Question 1: According to principle of conservation of energy, the total momentum of a system of masses in any direction remains constant unless acted upon by an external force in that direction:


Question 2: The friction experienced by a body, when in motion, is known as:

dynamic friction:

Question 3: balls of equal mass and of perfectly elastic material are lying on the floor. One of the ball with velocity v is made to struck the second ball. Both the balls after impact will move with a velocity:


Question 4: term 'force' may be defined as an agent which produces or tends to produce, destroys or tends to destroy motion.


Question 5: coefficient of restitution for elastic bodies is one.


Question 6: velocity ratio in case of an inclined plane inclined at angle θ to the horizontal and weight being pulled up the inclined plane by vertical effort is.

sin θ

Question 7: The range of projectile on a downward inclined plane is __________ the range on upward inclined plane for the same velocity of projection and angle of projection.

more than

Question 8: The angle of inclination of a vehicle when moving along a circular path __________ upon its mass.

Does not depend

Question 9: A body of weight W is required to move up on rough inclined plane whose angle of inclination with the horizontal is α. The effort applied parallel to the plane is given by(where μ = tanφ = Coefficient of friction between the plane and the body.)

P = W (sinα + μcosα)

Question 10: If the resultant of two equal forces has the same magnitude as either of the forces, then the angle between the two forces is.


Question 11: A smooth cylinder lying on its convex surface remains in __________ equilibrium.


Question 12: Coefficient of friction is the ratio of the limiting friction to the normal reaction between the two bodies.


Question 13: Moment of inertia of a circular section about an axis perpendicular to the section is.


Question 14: The unit of angular acceleration is.


Question 15: Moment of inertia of a triangular section of base (b) and height (h) about an axis passing through its C.G. and parallel to the base, is.


Question 16: Which of the following is an equation of linear motion?(where, u and v = Initial and final velocity of the body, a = Acceleration of the body, and s = Displacement of the body in time t seconds.)

v = u + a.t,

s = u.t + 1/2 a.t2,

v2 = u2+2a.s,

Question 17: The angle between two forces when the resultant is maximum and minimum respectively are

0° and 180°

Question 18: The range of a projectile is maximum, when the angle of projection is.


Question 19: The mechanical advantage of a lifting machine is the ratio of.

load lifted to the effort applied

Question 20: Static friction is always __________ dynamic friction.

greater than

Question 21: A body will begin to move down an inclined plane if the angle of inclination of the plane is __________ the angle of friction.

greater than

Question 22: When a particle moves along a circular path with uniform velocity, there will be no tangential acceleration.


Question 23: The bodies which rebound after impact are called

Elastic bodies

Question 24: The maximum frictional force, which comes into play, when a body just begins to slide over the surface of the other body, is known as.

limiting friction

Question 25: The distance, between the point of projection and the point where the projectile strikes the ground, is known as range.


Question 26: The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is known as

principle of resolution of forces

Question 27: The triangle law of forces states that if two forces acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in order, then their resultant may be represented in magnitude and direction by the third side of a triangle, taken in opposite order.



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