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Using Session, Transaction, and Queries in Hibernate

Hibernate is a popular ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework in Java that provides a way to interact with relational databases. It simplifies database operations by mapping Java objects to database tables. In this article, we will explore how to use Hibernate's Session, Transaction, and Query features in Advanced Java for efficient database operations.

1. Introduction to Hibernate Session

The Hibernate Session is a single-threaded unit of work in Hibernate. It is used to interact with the database by performing CRUD operations like save, update, delete, and load. The Session object is a gateway to persist, retrieve, and query data in the database.

Example: Creating a Hibernate Session

            import org.hibernate.Session;
            import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
            import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;

            public class HibernateUtil {
                public static Session getSession() {
                    SessionFactory factory = new Configuration()
                    Session session = factory.getCurrentSession();
                    return session;

In the above example, the getSession method creates a Hibernate SessionFactory object using the hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file. It then returns a Session object for performing database operations.

2. Hibernate Transaction Management

In Hibernate, a Transaction is used to manage database operations. A transaction ensures that a sequence of operations is completed successfully before committing the changes to the database. If an error occurs, the transaction can be rolled back, ensuring data integrity.

Example: Using Transaction in Hibernate

            import org.hibernate.Session;
            import org.hibernate.Transaction;

            public class EmployeeService {
                public void saveEmployee(Employee employee) {
                    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
                    Transaction transaction = null;

                    try {
                        transaction = session.beginTransaction();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        if (transaction != null) {
                    } finally {

In this example, a Transaction is used to begin, commit, and potentially roll back the transaction if any exception occurs. The session.save(employee) persists the employee object to the database, and the transaction is committed if no issues arise.

3. Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

Hibernate Query Language (HQL) is a powerful feature in Hibernate that allows you to query the database using object-oriented syntax. It is similar to SQL but operates on entity objects rather than database tables. HQL is used to retrieve, update, delete, and insert entities into the database.

Example: Using HQL to Query Data

            import org.hibernate.Session;
            import org.hibernate.query.Query;
            import java.util.List;

            public class EmployeeService {
                public List getAllEmployees() {
                    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
                    String hql = "FROM Employee";
                    Query query = session.createQuery(hql, Employee.class);
                    List employees = query.getResultList();
                    return employees;

In this example, we use HQL to fetch all Employee records from the database. The query FROM Employee retrieves all rows from the Employee table. The result is stored in a List.

4. Named Queries in Hibernate

Hibernate supports named queries, which are predefined HQL queries that can be executed at runtime. Named queries are typically defined in the entity class using annotations or in the hibernate.cfg.xml file.

Example: Using Named Queries

            import javax.persistence.Query;
            import org.hibernate.Session;
            import java.util.List;

                @NamedQuery(name="Employee.getAll", query="FROM Employee")
            public class Employee {
                // Entity code here

            public class EmployeeService {
                public List getAllEmployees() {
                    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
                    Query query = session.getNamedQuery("Employee.getAll");
                    List employees = query.getResultList();
                    return employees;

In this example, the @NamedQuery annotation defines a query called Employee.getAll in the Employee entity class. This named query is executed in the getAllEmployees method using the getNamedQuery method of the Session.

5. Using Criteria API in Hibernate

The Criteria API provides a programmatic way to build queries in Hibernate. It is especially useful for building dynamic queries where the conditions are not known beforehand.

Example: Using Criteria API to Query Data

            import org.hibernate.Session;
            import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
            import org.hibernate.Criteria;
            import java.util.List;

            public class EmployeeService {
                public List getEmployeesWithSalaryGreaterThan(double salary) {
                    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
                    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Employee.class);
                    criteria.add(Restrictions.gt("salary", salary));
                    List employees = criteria.list();
                    return employees;

In this example, the Criteria API is used to find employees with a salary greater than a specified value. The Restrictions.gt method adds a condition to the query to filter employees by salary.

6. Hibernate Session Factory and Session Management

The SessionFactory is the main object used to create Session instances. It is a thread-safe, heavyweight object that should be created once in an application. The Session should be opened and closed within a method or transaction.

Example: Managing SessionFactory

            import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
            import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;

            public class HibernateUtil {
                private static SessionFactory factory;

                static {
                    factory = new Configuration()

                public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
                    return factory;

                public static void closeSessionFactory() {

In this example, the SessionFactory is initialized only once when the class is loaded, and it is available for use throughout the application. The closeSessionFactory method shuts down the SessionFactory after the application is done using it.


In this article, we explored how to use Hibernate's Session, Transaction, and Query mechanisms to interact with relational databases in Java applications. By understanding these core concepts, you can manage database transactions and queries efficiently in a Hibernate-based Java application.


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