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HTML Introduction:

HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It defines the structure and layout of a web document by using a variety of tags and attributes.

Here are some key points about HTML:

  1. Structure: HTML documents are structured using a hierarchical format. They consist of elements, which are enclosed in opening and closing tags. Elements can contain other elements, forming a tree-like structure.

  2. Tags: Tags are the building blocks of HTML. They are enclosed in angle brackets < > and come in pairs: opening tags and closing tags. Opening tags indicate the beginning of an element, while closing tags have a forward slash before the element name and indicate the end of an element.

  3. Attributes: Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements and are included within the opening tag. They are specified using name-value pairs, such as name="value". Attributes can be used for various purposes, such as defining the appearance, behavior, or functionality of an element.

  4. Semantic Markup: HTML provides a set of semantic elements that convey the meaning or purpose of the content they enclose. Examples include <header>, <nav>, <main>, <section>, <article>, <footer>, and more. Semantic markup improves accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO) by providing context to web content.

  5. Text Content: HTML can display various types of text content, including headings (<h1> to <h6>), paragraphs (<p>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), links (<a>), and more. Text content can be styled using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to enhance its appearance.

  6. Images and Multimedia: HTML allows the embedding of images (<img>), audio (<audio>), video (<video>), and other multimedia content into web pages. These elements enrich the user experience and provide visual or auditory information.

  7. Forms: HTML provides form elements (<form>, <input>, <textarea>, <select>, etc.) for collecting user input on web pages. Forms enable interactions such as submitting data, performing searches, or completing surveys.

  8. Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks (<a>) allow navigation between different web pages or sections within the same page. They are essential for creating interconnected content and facilitating user navigation across the web.

  9. Comments: HTML allows developers to add comments within the code using <!-- --> tags. Comments are not displayed on the web page but serve as notes for developers to document their code or provide explanations.

HTML is the foundation of web development and is often combined with CSS and JavaScript to create dynamic and visually appealing websites. Understanding HTML is essential for anyone interested in building web pages or pursuing a career in web development.


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