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HTML Editors:

There are numerous HTML editors available, ranging from simple text editors to sophisticated integrated development environments (IDEs) tailored specifically for web development. Here's a list of some popular HTML editors:

  1. Visual Studio Code (VS Code): Visual Studio Code is a highly customizable code editor developed by Microsoft. It has built-in support for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with a vast array of extensions that enhance its functionality for web development.

  2. Sublime Text: Sublime Text is a lightweight yet powerful text editor known for its speed and flexibility. It offers features such as multiple selections, split editing, and a rich ecosystem of plugins for web development.

  3. Atom: Atom is an open-source text editor developed by GitHub. It provides a modern interface, built-in Git integration, and a package manager for extending its capabilities with plugins.

  4. Brackets: Brackets is a free and open-source HTML editor developed by Adobe. It offers live preview functionality, inline editing, and preprocessor support, making it popular among web designers and front-end developers.

  5. Notepad++: Notepad++ is a free source code editor for Windows. It supports syntax highlighting for various programming languages, including HTML, and offers a wide range of plugins for additional functionality.

  6. Adobe Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver is a comprehensive IDE for web development created by Adobe. It combines a visual design interface with a robust code editor, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.

  7. Komodo Edit: Komodo Edit is a free and open-source code editor for multiple programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers features like syntax highlighting, auto-complete, and project management tools.

  8. Emacs: Emacs is a highly customizable text editor with extensive support for programming languages, including HTML. It provides a powerful set of features and can be extended using Emacs Lisp.

  9. Vim: Vim is a highly configurable text editor that is often used by experienced developers for its efficiency and productivity. It offers powerful editing capabilities and a vast ecosystem of plugins for web development.

  10. Aptana Studio: Aptana Studio is an open-source IDE based on Eclipse. It provides features such as code assist, debugging, and integrated Git support, making it suitable for developing web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

These are just a few examples of HTML editors available. The choice of editor often depends on personal preference, workflow requirements, and the specific features desired for web development projects.


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