A Dart library is a collection of code that serves a common purpose or functionality. Libraries can contain classes, functions, variables, and other elements. Dart provides a rich set of built-in libraries for common tasks, such as working with collections, handling asynchronous operations, and manipulating strings.
1. dart:core : Provides core functionality such as data types (int, double, String), collections (List, Set, Map), and control flow constructs (if, else, for, while). 2. dart : async : Contains classes and utilities for asynchronous programming, including Futures, Streams, and timers. 3. dart : io: Provides classes for working with input and output operations, such as files, sockets, and processes. 4. dart : math: Offers mathematical functions and utilities, including random number generation, trigonometric functions, and constants like pi. 5. dart : convert: Provides utilities for encoding and decoding data, including JSON, UTF-8, and base64 encoding.