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Denormalization and When to Use It in SQL

Denormalization is a database design technique that involves intentionally introducing redundancy into a database by combining tables or by adding duplicate data. While normalization is focused on eliminating redundancy, denormalization is used to improve performance in certain situations. In this article, we will explore what denormalization is, its advantages, disadvantages, and when to use it in SQL.

What is Denormalization?

Denormalization is the process of deliberately introducing redundancy into a relational database by merging tables or adding redundant data to a table that is normally eliminated in the normalization process. Denormalization is used to speed up certain read-heavy queries by reducing the number of joins and making data retrieval more efficient.

While normalization helps to reduce redundancy and maintain data integrity, it may result in performance issues, especially in complex queries that involve multiple table joins. Denormalization is typically used when you need to optimize performance for specific queries, particularly in read-heavy systems where data retrieval speed is crucial.

Advantages of Denormalization

Disadvantages of Denormalization

When to Use Denormalization

Denormalization should be used when you need to optimize performance for certain queries, especially in systems that handle a large number of reads and relatively fewer updates or inserts. Some typical scenarios where denormalization is helpful include:

Examples of Denormalization

Let’s consider an example where a normalized database schema is denormalized to improve performance.

Original Normalized Schema

        CREATE TABLE employees (
            employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
            employee_name VARCHAR(100)

        CREATE TABLE departments (
            department_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
            department_name VARCHAR(100)

        CREATE TABLE employee_department (
            employee_id INT,
            department_id INT,
            PRIMARY KEY (employee_id, department_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employees(employee_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments(department_id)

In this normalized schema, we have three tables: employees, departments, and a junction table employee_department to represent the many-to-many relationship between employees and departments.

Denormalized Schema

        CREATE TABLE employees (
            employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
            employee_name VARCHAR(100),
            department_name VARCHAR(100)

In this denormalized schema, we have eliminated the departments and employee_department tables and added a department_name column directly to the employees table. This eliminates the need for a join when querying for an employee's department.

Query Performance Comparison

Consider the following query in the normalized schema:

        SELECT e.employee_name, d.department_name
        FROM employees e
        JOIN employee_department ed ON e.employee_id = ed.employee_id
        JOIN departments d ON ed.department_id = d.department_id;

In the denormalized schema, this query becomes much simpler:

        SELECT employee_name, department_name
        FROM employees;

In the denormalized schema, we have removed the need for joins, which can speed up query performance, especially in a read-heavy system.

When Not to Use Denormalization

Denormalization should not be used when:


Denormalization is a technique used to improve performance in certain situations where reading data quickly is more important than maintaining strict normalization rules. While it can offer performance benefits, it also introduces risks such as data redundancy and the potential for update anomalies. Therefore, it should be used carefully and only when necessary, after evaluating the specific performance needs of your system. Always consider the trade-offs between performance and maintainability when deciding whether to denormalize your database.




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