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Renaming, Deleting, and Manipulating Files in Python

In Python, file manipulation is an essential aspect of working with files and directories. The os and shutil modules provide a variety of functions for performing operations like renaming, deleting, and manipulating files. In this article, we will explore how to handle file operations in Python with examples.

Renaming Files

Renaming files is a simple operation that can be done using the os.rename() function. This function allows you to change the name of a file or move it to a different location.

Example of Renaming a File

    import os

    # Rename a file
    os.rename('old_file.txt', 'new_file.txt')
    print("File renamed successfully")

In this example, the file old_file.txt is renamed to new_file.txt. If the file exists and is accessible, the operation will be successful.

Deleting Files

To delete a file in Python, the os.remove() function can be used. This function removes the specified file from the filesystem.

Example of Deleting a File

    import os

    # Delete a file
    print("File deleted successfully")

In this example, the file file_to_delete.txt is deleted. Make sure the file exists and is not in use before attempting to delete it.

Manipulating Files

Manipulating files involves various operations like reading from and writing to files. Below are examples of some common file manipulation tasks.

Reading a File

    # Read the contents of a file
    with open('example.txt', 'r') as file:
        content = file.read()

In this example, the file example.txt is opened in read mode, and its contents are read and printed to the console.

Writing to a File

    # Write to a file
    with open('output.txt', 'w') as file:
        file.write("Hello, this is a new file!\n")
        file.write("Python makes file manipulation easy.")
    print("File written successfully")

This example creates or overwrites the file output.txt with the provided text. The w mode opens the file for writing.

Appending to a File

    # Append text to a file
    with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:
        file.write("\nAppended text!")
    print("Text appended successfully")

This example appends text to the existing output.txt file. The a mode is used to open the file in append mode, ensuring that the new content is added at the end without overwriting the existing content.

Other File Manipulation Operations

Checking if a File Exists

    import os

    # Check if a file exists
    if os.path.exists('file_to_check.txt'):
        print("File exists")
        print("File does not exist")

This example demonstrates how to check if a file exists using the os.path.exists() function. It returns True if the file exists and False otherwise.

Getting File Information

    import os

    # Get file information
    file_info = os.stat('example.txt')
    print(f"File Size: {file_info.st_size} bytes")
    print(f"Last Modified: {file_info.st_mtime}")

In this example, the os.stat() function is used to retrieve information about the file, such as its size and last modification time.


Python provides powerful tools for file manipulation, allowing you to rename, delete, and work with file contents with ease. The os and shutil modules are crucial for interacting with the file system. With these functions, you can automate tasks related to file handling, making your programs more efficient and flexible.


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