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Adding Buttons, Labels, and Input Fields in Tkinter

Tkinter is the standard Python library for creating Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications. With Tkinter, you can easily create buttons, labels, input fields, and other widgets for user interaction. In this article, we will explore how to add buttons, labels, and input fields to a Tkinter window and handle user input.

Creating a Basic Tkinter Window

Before adding widgets like buttons, labels, and input fields, we need to set up a basic Tkinter window. Here's how to create a simple window:

    import tkinter as tk

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()

    # Set the window title
    window.title("Tkinter Widgets Example")

    # Set the window size

    # Start the Tkinter event loop

This code creates a window titled "Tkinter Widgets Example" with a size of 400x300 pixels. The mainloop() function starts the Tkinter event loop, allowing the window to remain open and responsive to user actions.

Adding Labels

Labels are used to display text in a Tkinter window. You can create a label using the Label widget and place it in the window using the pack(), grid(), or place() methods. Here's how to add a label to the window:

    import tkinter as tk

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()

    # Create a label widget
    label = tk.Label(window, text="Welcome to Tkinter!")
    label.pack()  # Add the label to the window

    # Start the Tkinter event loop

In this example, the Label widget displays the text "Welcome to Tkinter!" in the window. The pack() method is used to place the label inside the window.

Adding Buttons

Buttons are interactive elements that allow the user to trigger actions when clicked. You can create a button using the Button widget. To define the behavior of the button, use the command parameter to specify a function that is called when the button is clicked.

    import tkinter as tk

    # Define the function to be called when the button is clicked
    def on_button_click():
        label.config(text="Button clicked!")

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()

    # Create a label widget
    label = tk.Label(window, text="Click the button:")

    # Create a button widget
    button = tk.Button(window, text="Click Me", command=on_button_click)

    # Start the Tkinter event loop

In this example, when the user clicks the button, the on_button_click() function is triggered, which updates the label to say "Button clicked!". The command parameter is used to bind the button to the function.

Adding Input Fields

Input fields allow users to enter data. In Tkinter, input fields are created using the Entry widget. You can retrieve the text entered by the user by calling the get() method on the Entry widget.

    import tkinter as tk

    # Define the function to display user input
    def display_input():
        user_input = entry.get()
        label.config(text=f"You entered: {user_input}")

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()

    # Create a label widget
    label = tk.Label(window, text="Enter something:")

    # Create an input field (Entry widget)
    entry = tk.Entry(window)

    # Create a button widget
    button = tk.Button(window, text="Submit", command=display_input)

    # Start the Tkinter event loop

In this example, the user enters text into the input field. When the "Submit" button is clicked, the display_input() function is called, which retrieves the text entered by the user and displays it in the label.

Using Input Fields and Buttons Together

You can combine labels, buttons, and input fields to create interactive applications. Here's an example of a simple calculator that adds two numbers:

    import tkinter as tk

    # Define the function to calculate the sum of two numbers
    def calculate_sum():
        num1 = float(entry1.get())
        num2 = float(entry2.get())
        result = num1 + num2
        label.config(text=f"Result: {result}")

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()

    # Create labels for the input fields
    label1 = tk.Label(window, text="Enter the first number:")

    # Create the first input field
    entry1 = tk.Entry(window)

    # Create labels for the input fields
    label2 = tk.Label(window, text="Enter the second number:")

    # Create the second input field
    entry2 = tk.Entry(window)

    # Create a button to calculate the sum
    button = tk.Button(window, text="Calculate", command=calculate_sum)

    # Create a label to display the result
    label = tk.Label(window, text="Result:")

    # Start the Tkinter event loop

This simple calculator allows the user to enter two numbers and calculates their sum when the "Calculate" button is clicked. The result is displayed in the label below the button.


In this article, we have learned how to add buttons, labels, and input fields to a Tkinter window. Tkinter provides a simple way to build interactive applications with a graphical interface. You can easily create user-friendly applications by combining these widgets and handling user input and actions.


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